
At Pullman Studios our specialty is LIVE. We are looking for the true sound of the artists and our process is to take that sound and reoord that performance for eternity. Our primary focus is audio and video recording simultaneously aka television. We are equipped to broadcast from our master control room. We could theoretically broadcast 5 separate tv channels of content simultaneously, as well as a separate audio feed.

This means we mix live rather than multiple recorded tracks mixed at a later time to give an engineered sound. That does not mean we can't edit performances, just that we want the real you. We offer a cozy environment including a master control room with a wood stove. Our building has a metal roof and inadequate insulation to eliminate sound on it if it rains. We are working on insulating and sound proofing both studios with a scheduled completion date expected to be during the summer of 2021. Like we said its a rustic facility. We have multiple cameras that we position around the studio area to capture your performances. Think of it as a small nightclub setting with a broadcast control room next to it - like doing a performance in your living room. Our current connectivity to the outside world and the internet is by satellite linkage through Viasat2. We currently have orders in place for adding Starlink connectivity sometime between the middle and end of 2021. This will allow us to provide live programming with worldwide distribution.

Our control room is equipped with a wide variety of technology spanning the years. This gives us the abiliity to take a variety of older recording formats and convert them to the latest digital recording methods for preservation. We are constantly looking for older recordings both audio and audio/video, in an effort to preserve the content before aging renders it's destructive processes. We take these older recordings, enhance them while we restore the content, thereby ensuring future releases. With secured permissions we can also work to release the recordings through Mountain Annie Records. We are continuing to hookup new equipment and refine our entire operation so you will see changes and improvements on a regular basis.